
澜起科技(688008.SH):第一代CXL MXC芯片已完成量产版本的研发,目前正在给客户及下游用户送样和测试

Lanqi Technology (688008.SH): The first generation CXL MXC chip has completed the development of a mass-produced version, and is currently sending samples and testing to customers and downstream users

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 20 17:28

Gelonghui March 20 | Lanqi Technology (688008.SH) said on the interactive platform that the company's business situation is normal and that the repurchase plan continues to advance, so please pay attention to the company's follow-up announcements. The company's first-generation CXL MXC chip has completed the development of a mass-produced version, and is currently sending samples and testing to customers and downstream users, and has already been shipped on a small scale.

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