

Lanqi Technology (688008.SH): CXL is a new technology, and it is normal for the market to have different views on it

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 20 16:50

Gelonghui March 20 | Lanqi Technology (688008.SH) said on an interactive platform that CXL is a new technology, and it is normal for the market to have different views on it. Mainstream industry analysts believe that CXL memory pooling and sharing is an important future development direction for general computing and AI computing. From an industrial perspective: On the one hand, the CXL Alliance started with many industry giants, which is conducive to the construction of CXL's future industrial ecosystem; on the other hand, mainstream memory manufacturers around the world have launched CXL memory products, and many major international companies are also actively deploying CXL related products, which shows that the industry is optimistic about the future development prospects of this technology. Investors are advised to pay more attention to mainstream industry trends.

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