
永胜医疗(01612.HK)年度转亏为盈5730万港元 末期息1.5港仙

Yongsheng Medical (01612.HK) turned an annual loss into a profit of HK$57.3 million with a final interest of HK1.5 cents

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 20 16:37

On March 20, GLONGHUI | Yongsheng Medical (01612.HK) announced that for the year ended December 31, 2023, the company's revenue achieved a steady organic increase of 14.1% to HK$718.0 million. Among them, the disposable imaging products segment increased by 20.0% and the respiratory products segment by 9.6%. The Group turned a loss into a profit in 2023. The consolidated net loss attributable to the owners of the company was HK$17.4 million for the year ended 31 December 2022, reversing the loss and recording a comprehensive profit of HK$57.3 million attributable to the company owner in the current year.

Notwithstanding the expectation that the new integrated production facility would incur capital expenses, the Board of Directors resolved to declare a final dividend of HK1.5 cents per share for the current year (2022: none). Together with the interim dividend of HK1.25 cents per share (2022: special dividend of HK2.5 cents), the total dividend in 2023 reached HK2.75 cents per share (2022: HK2.5 cents) or a dividend ratio of 31.4%.

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