
港股异动 | 易点云(02416)午后拉升逾29% 此前发布GPT+产品“易智汇”机构指其利润有望快速恢复

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Easypoint Cloud (02416) rose more than 29% in the afternoon and previously released the GPT+ product “eZhihui”, the agency says its profits are expected to recover rapidly

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 20 13:52

Easy Dianyun (02416) rose more than 29% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 27.2% to HK$3.04, with a turnover of HK$808.473 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Easy Dianyun (02416) rose by more than 29% in the afternoon. As of press release, it had risen 27.2% to HK$3.04, with a turnover of HK$808.473 million.

According to the news, the company will release its 2023 full-year results on March 28. Tianfeng Securities previously pointed out that as can be seen from FY2023H1's financial results, despite the decline in the company's revenue growth rate and phased pressure due to the pandemic, the number of active customers and service equipment continued to grow. At the same time, the cost ratio declined steadily during the period, and the net operating cash flow situation continued to improve. In the future, as the impact of the epidemic gradually weakens, the company's profits are expected to recover rapidly.

In addition, EasyDianyun previously signed an exclusive strategic cooperation with Cigna Times to jointly release the self-developed GPT+ product “eZhihui”. Based on the OpenAI GPT upgrade service, eZhihui provides small and medium-sized enterprises with low-cost, fast and convenient GPT usage benefits. The launch of GPT+ products this time means that EasyPoint Cloud's commercial footprint will expand to the “IT+AI” business model.

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