
港股异动 | 海螺环保(00587)跌近4% 去年纯利同比减少19.63%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Conch Environmental Protection (00587) fell nearly 4%. Net profit fell 19.63% year-on-year last year

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 20 11:20

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Conch Environmental Protection (00587) fell nearly 4%. As of press release, it fell 3.77% to HK$1.02, with a turnover of HK$1,566,900.

According to the news, Hailuo Environmental announced its 2023 annual results. The group obtained revenue of RMB 1,882 million (same unit below), an increase of 8.79% over the previous year; profit attributable to the company's equity shareholders was RMB 264 million, a year-on-year decrease of 19.63%; profit per share was $0.14, and a final cash dividend of HK$0.03 per share was planned.

Furthermore, Conch Environmental Protection was previously removed from the Hong Kong Stock Connect list and officially came into effect on March 4. According to reports, the stock price of Conch Environmental Protection dropped from HK$15.1 at the beginning of the listing to HK$1.02, and the market value was reduced from nearly HK$30 billion to less than HK$2 billion.

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