
A股异动丨AI医疗概念反复活跃 贝瑞基因3连板

A-share changes丨The AI medical concept is repeatedly active, and the Berry gene is linked to 3 links

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 20 10:20
Gelonghui, March 20 | Berry Genomics and Celi Medical are on the 3rd board. Runda Healthcare hit a rise or fall, while Wanda Information, Hongbo Pharmaceuticals, and Sichuang Medical Benefits followed suit. According to the news, Novo Nordisk Foundation announced a few days ago that it has reached an agreement with Nvidia to build a superAI computer called “GEFION” for the Nordic country Denmark to lead the country into the AI field. Furthermore, at its annual health event “The Check Up,” Google announced a series of new initiatives to apply artificial intelligence (AI) models to the healthcare industry.

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