
Hy-Tek Intralogistics and CASI Announce Partnership

Hy-Tek Intralogistics and CASI Announce Partnership

Hy-Tek Intralogistics 和 CASI 宣佈合作
PR Newswire ·  03/19 22:02

COLUMBUS, OH., March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hy-Tek Intralogistics, a premier integrator of full-service automation technology for the supply chain, has partnered with CASI, a leading provider of turnkey automation systems. With Hy-Tek's enterprise logistics platform and the addition of CASI's sortation, box-cutting and decanting solutions, customers will begin to find new ways to reduce cost and increase efficiency within their logistics processes.

俄亥俄州哥倫布市,2024年3月19日 /PRNewswire/ — 供應鏈全方位服務自動化技術的主要集成商Hy-Tek Intralogistics已與領先的交鑰匙自動化系統提供商CASI合作。隨着Hy-Tek的企業物流平台以及CASI的分揀和分揀解決方案的加入,客戶將開始尋找降低物流流程成本和提高效率的新方法。

Hy-Tek Intralogistics and CASI Announce Partnership
Hy-Tek Intralogistics 和 CASI 宣佈合作

"We are excited to start our partnership with CASI and be able to offer their solutions to our customers," said Zac Boehm, Chief Automation Officer at Hy-Tek Intralogistics. "By formalizing our partnership, it allows Hy-Tek to add to its existing solutions with a technology that focuses on providing a balance of high-automation with human operations, to help improve accuracy and efficiency."

Hy-Tek Intralogistics首席自動化官扎克·波姆表示:“我們很高興能與CASI開始合作,並能夠爲我們的客戶提供他們的解決方案。”“通過正式建立我們的合作伙伴關係,它允許Hy-Tek在其現有解決方案中添加一項技術,該技術側重於在高度自動化與人工操作之間取得平衡,以幫助提高準確性和效率。”

In today's supply chain, the need for flexibility and a fast return on investment for customers is crucial when considering the shift in economic conditions, the shortage of labor, and evolving spending habits.CASI's technologies, which include the CASi-IBOD, CASi-AutoDecant, CASi-Conveyor and CASi-SORT, offer Hy-Tek's customers a flexible, inbound receiving, box cutting, decanting and sortation solutions leveraging automation for their supply chain processes.


"The CASi-IBOD and Duo products provide the ability to cut a wide range of box and bundle dimensions, offering numerous cutting styles including custom cuts, all with dynamic adjustments based upon real-time measurements," said Collette Henn, Director of Product Development at Hy-Tek Intralogistics. "With optional automation features such as automatic blade swaps, lid removal, film detachment, and decanting, these solutions seamlessly cater to a multitude of our clients' requirements."

Hy-Tek Intralogistics產品開發總監Collette Henn表示:“Casi-ibod和Duo產品能夠切割各種盒子和捆綁尺寸,提供多種切割風格,包括定製切割,所有切割方式均基於實時測量進行動態調整。”“這些解決方案具有可選的自動化功能,例如自動刀片更換、蓋子拆卸、薄膜分離和倒出,可以無縫地滿足我們客戶的多種需求。”

The CASi-IBOD (Intelligent Box Opening Device) is an inline, pass-through box opening solution with an automated box cutting for safe inventory extraction. The CASi-IBOD helps reduce labor costs, eliminate injuries and minimize damaged products associated with manually cutting boxes.

Casi-iBOD(智能開箱設備)是一種在線直通式開箱解決方案,具有自動開箱功能,可安全提取庫存。Casi-iBOD 有助於降低勞動力成本、消除傷害並最大限度地減少與手動切割箱相關的損壞產品。

CASi-SORT is a smart sortation solution where sorting high volumes of items is required. By scanning, manifesting and sorting incoming products automatically, you can prioritize items on demand, reduce shrinkage, and maximize your existing labor.

Casi-sort 是一種智能分揀解決方案,需要對大量物品進行分類。通過自動掃描、清單和分類入庫產品,您可以按需對商品進行優先排序,減少縮水,並最大限度地利用現有勞動力。

"We've strategically partnered with Hy-Tek to combine the strength of our automated warehouse solutions with the premier integrator in the market," said Greg Judkins, CASI's CEO. "This partnership will help customers increase efficiencies, leverage automation and reduce cost of warehouse solutions."


About Hy-Tek Intralogistics

關於 Hy-Tek Intralogistics

Built on 60 years of experience and success, Hy-Tek Intralogistics is your leading supply chain consultant and internal logistics solutionist, integrating a harmonious blend of traditional material handling, automation, robotics, and full stack software to solve complex product and information flow inefficiencies. We are your trusted, end-to-end resource, leveraging in-house expertise to deliver performance-driven solutions for facilities of all sizes.

Hy-Tek Intralogistics建立在60年的經驗和成功基礎上,是您領先的供應鏈顧問和內部物流解決方案專家,它將傳統的物料搬運、自動化、機器人和全棧軟件和諧融合,以解決複雜的產品和信息流效率低下的問題。我們是您值得信賴的端到端資源,利用內部專業知識爲各種規模的設施提供以性能爲導向的解決方案。

For more information, visit


About CASI
CASI is a family-owned business that can conceptualize, design, fabricate, test, install and service automated equipment to drive down customers' operational costs. Located in Northern Dallas for 22 years, CASI has the experience and knowledge to be a partner to its customers by problem-solving with innovative solutions.

CASI 是一家家族企業,可以構思、設計、製造、測試、安裝和維修自動化設備,以降低客戶的運營成本。CASI在達拉斯北部成立了22年,擁有豐富的經驗和知識,可以通過創新解決方案解決問題,成爲客戶的合作伙伴。

For more information, visit


Press Contacts:


Amanda Powers
Digital Marketing Specialist | Hy-Tek Intralogistics
[email protected]

數字營銷專家 | Hy-Tek Intralogistics

Hannah Bolte
Director, Marketing and Communications | CASI
402-278-4431 or [email protected]

營銷與傳播總監 | CASI
402-278-4431 或 [email protected]

SOURCE Hy-Tek Intralogistics

來源 Hy-Tek Intralogistics

