
游戏股震荡走高 完美世界涨停

Game stocks fluctuated higher, Perfect World rose and stopped

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 19 10:50
Glonghui, March 19 | Perfect World went up and down. Cultural Investment Holdings, 37 Entertainment, Aofei Entertainment, E-Soul Network, Gibbitt, Kaiying Network, etc. followed suit. According to the news, at the AI conference held yesterday, Nvidia announced at the AI conference that Perfect World Gaming's Xianxia MMORPG mobile game “Immortal World” was officially integrated into Nvidia Audio2Face technology (generative AI easily converts audio to animation technology), and used this conference to show the global audience the results of the combination with “World of Immortals”. The two sides will continue to maintain close exchanges and cooperation in various fields and scenarios of AI in the future.

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