
港股异动 | 光伏股逆市走高 可再生能源电量全额保障收购新规4月实施 绿电运营商有望受益

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | PV stocks reversed the market, fully guarantee renewable energy electricity, and new acquisition regulations were implemented in April, and green power operators are expected to benefit

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 19 10:35

PV stocks reversed the market. As of press release, GCL Technology (03800) rose 7.97% to HK$1.49; Follett Glass (06865) rose 6.59% to HK$20.7; Rainbow New Energy (00438) rose 6.21% to HK$3.08; and GCL New Energy (00451) rose 4.17% to HK$0.375.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that PV stocks rose against the market. As of press release, GCL Technology (03800) rose 7.97% to HK$1.49; Follett Glass (06865) rose 6.59% to HK$20.7; Rainbow New Energy (00438) rose 6.21% to HK$3.08; and GCL New Energy (00451) rose 4.17% to HK$0.375.

According to the news, the National Development and Reform Commission issued new regulations to promote the high-quality development of renewable energy. They will be implemented on April 1, clarifying the scope of fully guaranteed acquisitions and the responsibilities of all parties. The aim is to regulate electricity market behavior and ensure priority scheduling and full acquisition of renewable energy power generation projects.

Debon Securities pointed out that the entities involved in full electricity purchases have changed, and the purchasers are gradually diversifying; the purchase price emphasizes market-based transactions to provide a policy basis for renewable energy to enter the market. It is expected that with the gradual implementation of the “Measures”, the consumption of green electricity will continue to be promoted and the consumption of new energy electricity will be increased, and green power operators are expected to benefit.

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