
首佳科技(00103.HK):2023年纯利增加30.6%至6250.6万港元 末期息1港仙

Shoujia Technology (00103.HK): Net profit increased by 30.6% in 2023 to HK$62.506 million with final interest of HK$1

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 19 07:32

Gelonghui March 19 | Shoujia Technology (00103.HK) announced that for the year ended December 31, 2023, the Group recorded a turnover of HK$2,495 billion, an increase of 1.2% over last year. Meanwhile, gross profit increased by 13.2% to HK$374 million. As a result, the Group's net profit increased by 30.6% over the same period last year to HK$62.506 million, with a basic profit of HK$3.17 cents per share. Furthermore, the Group generated positive cash flow from operating operations and maintained a consistently healthy financial position. The Board of Directors recommended a final dividend of HK$1 per share (subject to shareholders' approval at the upcoming Annual General Meeting), an increase of 37.0% over the previous year.

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