

Car safety inspection (300572.SZ): Currently not involved in the field of car dismantling

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 18 19:14

Gelonghui, March 18 | Vehicle Safety Inspection (300572.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that the company is the main provider of overall solutions for the domestic motor vehicle inspection field and motor vehicle driver testing industry. It is one of the few domestic enterprises that can also provide comprehensive solutions for motor vehicle inspection systems, intelligent driver test and training system solutions, motor vehicle exhaust remote sensing monitoring solutions, and motor vehicle industry network supervision system solutions. While actively promoting the rapid development of the main business of existing motor vehicle inspection systems and achieving good benefits, the company focuses on expanding the downstream service market related to motor vehicle inspection and operation services in line with the existing industrial layout and the strategic direction of downstream inspection and operation service development. Currently, the field of car dismantling has not been involved.

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