

Big news! Tesla's most powerful autonomous driving is fully promoted. Passengers: Can't feel that AI is running at all

智能車參考 ·  Mar 18 18:39

Just now, the Tesla FSD V12 has been fully launched.

Many car owners have already received software updates, and experimental videos and reviews are beginning to pour out endlessly.

Tesla's core competitiveness has finally been tested by the market.

Tesla fully launches FSD V12.3

There was no special announcement in this push; instead, some car owners stumbled upon new software updates, including Tesla FSD Beta V12.3.

At the beginning of this year, Tesla once pushed an update, but it was limited to employees and closed beta users, including some testers of the early FSD beta.

Earlier last week, Tesla employees received another FSD Beta V12.3 update. There were no instructions for all car owners, but Musk still said that this is a major update to the version, which can even be called V13.

Just when people thought this was another internal test and had nothing to do with the majority of users, on March 16, local time, Tesla suddenly pushed the V12.3 update to all FSD users.

Many car owners only learned about this news after reading the news online, and immediately rushed into their Tesla to see if there were any updates:

What needs to be emphasized is why are so many car owners so excited about FSD Beta V12.3, even with the “Beta”?

At its core, starting with FSD V12, Tesla's autonomous driving has ushered in a new phase: no rule code, only neural networks.

Tesla is officially called “end-to-end” intelligent driving. Vehicle sensors input various data, AI algorithms process them themselves, and finally output driving decisions to control the vehicle.

Both training and practical exercises during this period were data-driven.

This is also why when Musk previously livestreamed the FSD V12 show, after taking over the traffic light intersection, he said that more relevant video data needed to be fed.

Human intervention is required to indicate that the system will not handle this scenario, so more training for this scenario will naturally solve it.

Well, the sudden opening of FSD Beta V12.3 to all FSD users this time probably indicates that the company believes that the system is mature and can be delivered to car owners.

So let's take a look now. How effective is Musk's “major update”?

FSD Beta V12.3 live test

First, let's talk about the conclusion. Based on the video and actual test results released by car owners, the opinions on the new system are quite consistent: although there are some minor issues, they are not covered up, and the whole thing is impressive.

For example, some car owners said that they used V12.3 for ride-sharing 6 times today, and none of the passengers realized that the vehicle was “driving itself”, and that there were zero takeovers and zero detachments.

Other car owners said that they never used FSD Beta V11 in their community because of frequent errors, but FSD Beta V12.3 gave him the first “zero takeover” experience in history, and the system was human-like in many situations, such as a vehicle waiting to turn left on a single lane, or a delivery truck parked in the street.

One car owner drove 6 times in San Francisco for about 8-15 minutes each time to test the new system. The system only took over 3-4 times. The system accelerated and decelerated very smoothly. It was closer to human driving than any previous version, and drove even better than himself when changing lanes and entering traffic on the highway.

Judging from the video posted by the car owner, the new system is already very smooth in handling lane changes and U-turns:

And when faced with some extreme scenarios, the system also knows how to handle them.

For example, when a car owner was using the new system on the street, he happened to run into a local St. Patrick's Day celebration. There was a constant flow of cars and people on the street. The system was able to drive steadily according to the navigation, and zero intervention was achieved during the first 30 minutes.

In particular, when there are cyclists and pedestrians standing on the road on one side of the car, the system chooses to slow down and pass:

Also, if a vehicle stops suddenly in the front lane, the system can also choose to change lanes in a timely manner according to the situation in the left lane:

The car owner also said that the most perfect treatment for the entire route was for the system to successfully pass through an intersection with 6 lanes and more than 50 pedestrians, without being taken over at all.

Also, when pedestrians cross the road indiscriminately, even though the light is green, the system is in no hurry to pass through the intersection. Instead, it chooses to give way to pedestrians, and at the same time, vehicles can also pass through the green light:

Another video posted by the owner shows that when the car is parked on both sides of the right-turn lane and visibility is limited, the system can avoid the vehicle:

Turn smoothly at the same time:

However, car owners also reported some minor issues.

For example, on highways, the system did not select the correct lane, causing the exit to be missed, “at least it didn't do anything dangerous”:

Moreover, more than one car owner reported that the new system sometimes chose the wrong lane, leading to long detours or subsequent takeover.

When the view was blocked, the system was unable to recognize that a fire engine was coming at the intersection, so the car owner took over and put on the brakes:

I haven't been able to tell the difference between a red lantern and a red traffic light. Although the system finally recognized it, it was already too close to the traffic fence, so the car owner took over in time:

Some car owners said that although the new system still cannot handle all situations, it has made him feel that full autonomous driving is possible in the near future.

In summary, although FSD Beta V12.3 is not perfect and requires continuous training iterations, car owners are still quite satisfied.

So, a new question has arisen. When can domestic car owners experience it?


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