
山东墨龙(00568)2024年拟向工商银行寿光支行申请不超过3.3亿元的贷款 子公司寿光懋隆新材料为其提供担保

Shandong Molong (00568) plans to apply for a loan of no more than 330 million yuan from the Shouguang branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in 2024. Shouguang Maolong New Materials, a new material company, to guarantee it

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 18 16:50

Shandong Molong (00568) announced that in order to meet the company's production and operation financing needs, the company plans to...

Zhitong Finance App News, Shandong Molong (00568) announced that in order to meet the company's production and operation financing needs, the company plans to apply for a loan of no more than 330 million yuan from the Shouguang Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. in 2024. The board of directors of the company agreed that Shouguang Maolong New Material Technology Development Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, would provide a joint liability guarantee for the company's above loans.

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