
大行评级|美银:上调台积电美股目标价至155美元 料结构性先进节点的需求将更强劲

Bank Ratings | Bank of America: Raising TSMC's US Stock Target Price to $155, Demand for Advanced Structurally Advanced Nodes Will Be Stronger

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 18 10:22
Glonghui, March 18 | Bank of America Securities issued a report raising the target price of TSMC's US stock to 155 US dollars, with a “buy” rating. It is expected that demand for advanced structural nodes will be stronger, supported by artificial intelligence capabilities, computing power, and energy efficiency requirements. Furthermore, Intel recently confirmed the outsourcing of Lunar/Arrow Lake CPU modules to TSMC, which the bank believes bodes well for TSMC's leading position in the industry. Bank of America also expects TSMC's industry-leading OEM revenue below the 7nm process to grow at a compound annual rate of 22% from 2023 to 2025.

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