
拟打造全球首款纯电动商业化运行飞机 飞行汽车龙头5天3板 本周机构还密集调研这些相关上市公司

It plans to build the world's first pure electric commercial aircraft, the leading flying car in 5 days, and 3 boards. This week, the agency is also intensively investigating these related listed companies ·  Mar 17 21:40

① Wanfeng Aowei, which closed for five days on Friday, said in response to agency research that it is speeding up the development and application of the pure electric aircraft eDA40 and is expected to become the world's first pure electric commercial operation aircraft. ② Sort out the industry sector (attached table), the list of listed companies (subsidiary shares), and the latest research on flying vehicles and resource recycling that the organization is most concerned about this week.

Financial Services Association, March 17 (Editor: Xu Ri) According to Choice statistics, as of Sunday, 180 listed companies in the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets were surveyed by institutions this week. By industry, the mechanical equipment, electronics, and pharmaceutical-biological industries receive the most frequent institutional surveys. Furthermore, the attention paid to industries such as power equipment, defense and military, and communications has increased.


In terms of field segments, the general equipment, military electronics, and medical devices sectors rank among the top three in terms of institutional attention. Furthermore, the attention of industry organizations such as software development, logistics, optics and optoelectronics has increased dramatically.


Looking at specific listed companies, according to Choice statistics, Qingda Environmental Protection, Kode CNC, and Golden Orange received the most surveys, reaching 2 times. According to statistics on institutional visits, a total of 5 listed companies received surveys from more than 100 institutions. Jiejie Microelectronics, Wanfeng Aowei, and Haohai Biotech ranked in the top three, with 177, 166, and 161 respectively.



Among the listed companies surveyed this week, the 3 stocks with the largest capital inflows to the north were Shede Liquor, Weisheng Information, and Everweft Lithium Energy, with net purchases of 102 million yuan, 98 million yuan, and 79 million yuan, respectively.


Looking at market performance, concept stocks such as flying cars, low-altitude economy, and resource recycling performed well this week. Specifically, Wanfeng Aowei announced institutional research on Tuesday that the company is speeding up the development and application of the pure electric aircraft eDA40 and is expected to become the world's first pure electric commercial operating aircraft. At the same time, Wanfeng Aircraft has reached a strategic cooperation with a well-known global OEM to cooperate and support joint ventures in the fields of eVTOL prototype development, battery systems, industrial design, aeronautical engineering, mold and tooling manufacturing, supply chain and large-scale mass production, aviation airworthiness certification, brand strength and B2C/B2B sales and after-sales network resources.

Looking at the performance of the secondary market, Wanfeng Aowei closed on Friday and recorded 3 boards for 5 days.


When surveyed by the agency on Friday, Zongheng Co., Ltd. said that through years of development, the company has accumulated various types of aircraft systems, flight control and navigation systems, avionics, materials, structures, power, etc. in the eVTOL field, and has a personnel team and technical foundation to develop related products.

Xinchen Technology released research notes on Friday showing that the rapid development of the low-altitude economy places new and higher demands on low-altitude airspace service guarantee and management capabilities. In accordance with the “Internet+ Supervision Service, Internet+ Approval” system construction idea, Xinchen Technology first carried out bold experiments and practical innovations in low-altitude airspace supervision and low-altitude surveillance capacity building. While providing diversified technical support methods for China's low-altitude airspace management, it also laid down solid technical capabilities and project implementation experience for the company to further study the business layout in the low-altitude field.

Shanhe Intelligence released research notes on Wednesday showing that the low-altitude economy is an emerging industry direction for global competition, and it is also an important field for cultivating new momentum for development. The low-altitude economy is a new industrial chain with high scalability. Low-altitude infrastructure construction will drive effective investment and help China take the lead in establishing new standards and rules in the field of low-altitude economy. The shareholding company Shanhe Star Airlines participated in the development of Volkswagen's first flying car prototype.

Furthermore, in terms of resource recycling concept stocks, Hunan Yuneng released institutional research on Saturday stating that the company has set up a wholly-owned subsidiary, Hunan Yuneng Recycling Technology Co., Ltd., to carry out waste battery recycling business, and the project is progressing in an orderly manner.

In response to institutional research on Friday, Lizhong Group said that in terms of the layout of recycled aluminum resources, the company will continue to accelerate the layout of Mexican recycled aluminum recycling channels based on the regional layout of over 20 domestic manufacturing plants, specialized recycling and trading platforms, and the three sorting bases in Baoding, Jiangsu and Thailand, to supplement overseas recycled aluminum resources, achieve dual cycle development of domestic and foreign recycled aluminum resources, and provide a global resource guarantee for the Group's low-carbon and sustainable development.

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