

Lazy Pig Technology (08379) plans to change its name to “Hanno Technology Group Co., Ltd.”

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 15 17:57

Lazy Pig Technology (08379) issued an announcement. The board of directors proposed changing the company's Chinese double foreign name to “Lazy Pig Technology Group...

Zhitong Finance App News, Lazy Pig Technology (08379) issued an announcement. The board of directors proposed changing the company's Chinese dual foreign language name from “Lazy Pig Technology Group Co., Ltd.” to “Hanno Technology Group Co., Ltd.”

The announcement stated that the proposed change of the company name will help bring a new corporate image to the company and capture potential business opportunities for the company's future development. Therefore, the Board believes that the proposed change in the company's name is in the overall best interest of the company and shareholders.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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