
长光华芯(688048.SH):公司的100mW CW DFB产品可用于硅光模块方向

Changguang Huaxin (688048.SH): The company's 100mW CW DFB products can be used in the direction of silicon optical modules

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 15 15:41

Gelonghui, March 15 | Changguang Huaxin (688048.SH) said on the investor interactive platform that the company's 100mW CW DFB product can be used in silicon optical modules. The product has the following characteristics: 1) High light output power: more than 1.5dB higher than the industry's 70mW light source, 400GE DR4 silicon optical module can be achieved with only 1 light source, simplifying optical module design and significantly reducing optical module costs; 2) High photoelectric conversion efficiency: reducing per-bit power consumption, the chip power consumption is superior to similar products, improving the long-term working reliability of the chip. The light source is compatible with optical interconnection applications in scenarios such as 800G/1.6T to meet the continuous evolution requirements of high speed; 3) Facing long-term evolution in the future: The light source is compatible with optical interconnection applications in scenarios such as 800G/1.6T to meet the continuous evolution requirements of high speed rates.

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