

Changes in Hong Kong stocks 丨 Ginkgo Education once rose by more than 40%, and is expected to earn more than 50% more last year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 15 10:33
Glonghui, March 15 | Ginkgo Education (1851.HK) is pleased to see a profit increase of more than 50% last year, stimulating the stock price to rise 41.3% to HK$1.3 this morning. However, transactions have been weak. Up to now, the transaction was less than HK$1 million. The company expects profit attributable to shareholders to increase by no less than 50% for the year ending the end of last year, mainly benefiting from the number of enrolled students; a significant increase in average tuition and accommodation fees; and a reduction in financial expenses due to a decrease in loan balances and a decrease in interest rates on new Group loans.

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