

Dario: If you want to evolve, you have to suffer first (with full speech)

点拾投资 ·  Oct 3, 2019 14:23  · 观点

Guide: evolution is the source of continuous excess returns, and it is impossible to evolve without suffering. I hope each of us will seize the "precious" painful opportunity to become better people in every pain. Evolution will also help us get rid of the innate "animal spirit"!

The following is the full text of Dario's speech:

I have always been lucky because I have the opportunity to experience being penniless and know what it's like to be rich. Nowadays, many people spend a lot of energy on making money. If I haven't experienced the two states of poverty and wealth, I won't understand whether money is really important to me.

I'm not saying it's bad to have more, but for me, when money accumulation reaches a certain point, no matter how much it increases, it won't significantly improve what I think is the best thing in life:Meaningful work, meaningful contacts, interesting experiences, eating well, sleeping well, listening to music, new ideas, sex and other basic needs and pleasures.

I'm in my sixties, and there aren't many advantages for people my age, and one of them is that I can look back and see if my life principles really worked.

I have found that the public's concept of success is as follows:

Dressed in a Ralph Lauren costume and accompanied by a glamorous promotional photo, he went to the best private prep school, was admitted to an Ivy League elite university, and was able to answer all the exam questions. In fact, this is a misreading of the lives of truly successful people.

I have read countless people, and none of the successful people are gifted. They often make mistakes and have many shortcomings. They succeed because they face up to their mistakes and shortcomings and find ways to avoid making mistakes and solve problems in the future.Therefore, I think that we should make full use of the process of facing reality, especially the painful experience in the struggle with difficulties and obstacles, and try our best to learn from it, so that we can achieve our goals more quickly.

Those who achieve great things do not regard making money as the primary goal.

We are not content to realize our dreams one by one, but enjoy the process of pursuing them, which is based on the principle of diminishing returns.For example, suppose your dream is to make money, and when you have earned enough, there is no marginal benefit to earn more. It would be foolish to dream of making money at this time.

If you continue to get beyond the margin of use, it is difficult to get a return, or even no return, and it will also produce negative results such as greed. According to the principle of diminishing returns, we naturally want to seek new things or explore new levels of existing things, so that we can be satisfied.

I think,You will be rewarded for following the laws of the universe and pursuing personal goals on the basis of evolution.Look at all the living species: they constantly defend their own interests and evolve symbiotically with other creatures, but do not know that their self-interested behavior also promotes evolution.

Self-interest and social interest are symbiotic. The pursuit of self-interest will inspire people to accept challenges, gain benefits, and promote the effective development of society. In turn, society will give back to those individuals who promote their effective development. So the rough criterion for judging the effective contribution to society is how much money you earn, not how much you want to make money.

Look at what motivates people to make money, and you will findThis is positively related to their effective production value to society, and has nothing to do with their desire to make money.Many rich people do not regard making money as their primary goal. They just work hard, produce what society needs, and gradually become rich. There are also many people who want to make a lot of money every day, but never produce according to the needs of society, so they don't make much money.

In addition, it is important not to confuse "goals" with "desires".

Goals are things you really want to achieve, while desires are things that you want but will prevent you from achieving them. As I explained before, desire is generally a first-order effect. For example, suppose the goal is to be healthy, and desire is to eat delicious but unhealthy food. This is the first-order effect. This result is not conducive to achieving your goal of health. Therefore, judging from the results alone, the goal is good and desire is not good.

You want to be a person who stays at home watching TV, eating potato chips and doing nothing, which is really no problem for me. But if this is not the life you want, it's best not to rip open the bag of potato chips.

For the mediocre, thinking is the biggest bottleneck

Most of the traits we are born with can either help us or hurt us, depending on our purpose.The more extreme the degree, the greater the positive or negative effects of the traits. For example, people who are creative, have clear goals and are good at grasping the big picture may suffer from the details of life. People who focus on practice, focus on specific tasks, and handle details perfectly may not be very creative.

Because of the nature of our thinking, it is difficult to do both.The most important difference between successful people and mediocre people is their ability to learn and adapt.

Darwin's autobiography once said: in the long history of nature, the species that can survive are neither the strongest nor the most intelligent, but those who can best adapt to environmental changes. Being able to feel and adapt to changes in the environment is an ability, mainly insight and reasoning.

Face up to one's own weakness

People who worry about seemingly decent appearance usually cover up their unclear places or shortcomings. Such people never learn how to deal with their ignorance and shortcomings and let them stand in the way of the future.

There is no successful person I have met who is not successful through mistakes and learning. They have the same shortcomings as everyone else, but they know how to deal with their shortcomings and will not hinder the realization of their dreams. In addition, these successful people are knowledgeable and capable, which can help me find the best decision-making plan, which has a much greater advantage than any single successful person, no matter how successful he is.

This explains why people who are happy to make the best decisions rarely show full confidence in their plans. They therefore want to learn more (by exploring the ideas of other trustworthy people, especially dissidents), and are eager to discover their own shortcomings to prevent them from getting in the way of achieving their goals.

Attach importance to the "second and third order effect"

People who attach too much importance to the first-level effect of decision-making and ignore the second-or third-level effect are generally difficult to achieve their goals. Because the will of the primary effect and the secondary effect is often opposite, it is easy for people to make big mistakes when making decisions.For example, the primary effect of fitness is to endure pain and take time, which is generally not what people desire. The secondary effect, which is healthier and more attractive, is desirable.

Similarly, delicious food is generally not good for health, and vice versa. For example, your goal is to be healthy, but if you don't ignore the first-level effect between exercise and a delicious but unhealthy diet, and don't base your decisions on secondary or tertiary effects, you won't be able to achieve your goal.

Most of the time, the primary effect is the temptation we have to overcome to achieve our goals, and sometimes it is an obstacle to success. This is like the process of natural selection in nature, throwing us options with two outcomes, and fools who are stupid enough to make choices based on the first-order effect will be punished.

Find the reason from yourself

Some people blame others for their unsatisfactory results instead of looking for reasons from themselves, which contradicts the facts and hinders progress. Because this is undoubtedly a distraction, and could have focused on improving personal ability and quality to achieve the best results.

Successful people understand that bad results will affect everyone, and everyone has the responsibility to deal with various challenges, so that their dreams can come true.

The quality of life depends on the quality we choose.

On the journey to achieve our goals, we encounter a large number of choices, and every decision we make produces its results, and the quality of life depends on the quality of the choices we make. We each make about a million choices in our lives, and the final results add up to make up our lives.

We are not born to make wise decisions, we have this ability through learning.We all grow up with adults, especially our parents, who guide our lives, but when we grow up, we have to make our own choices. What kind of goals we choose to pursue affects the direction of our growth.

Of course, there are differences in people's innate abilities, but judgment is basically acquired by learning. For most people, success is an efficient evolutionary process of understanding yourself and your surroundings, making changes, and improving. I think the realization of personal evolution, that is, growth is the greatest achievement, but also the most rewarding.

Similarly, for most people, happiness depends on the correlation with their own expectations, rather than the absolute level of individual conditions. For example, a billionaire may be unhappy if he loses $200 million, but he may be happy if another person worth $10,000 gets $2,000 unexpectedly. This basic principle states that there are two ways to happiness: 1) high expectations, strive to exceed; 2) lower expectations, in line with or lower than their own objective conditions. People usually choose the first path, which means that if you want to be happy, you have to grow up.

If you want to evolve, you have to break the limit and bear the pain.

One of the fundamental laws of nature is that if you want to evolve, you have to break through the limits and endure pain before you can grow, weightlifting or facing problems.Nature gives us pain, in fact, it makes us feel that we are getting closer to our goal, or that we have exceeded our limits in some way.

Although many people think that pain is bad, I think if you want to be strong, you need to experience pain. I'm not saying that the more pain, the better. I think too much pain will do harm to people. No pain is generally not conducive to growth, so we should bear a certain amount of pain on the premise that it is consistent with achieving our goals.

Fighting against problems, mistakes and weaknesses makes us strong and painful, which is why we cherish the fruits of success.

Edit / Sylvie

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