

A-share changes丨Purchase restrictions for second-hand housing in Hangzhou have been completely lifted, and the real estate service sector has been boosted. I love my family for 3 days and 2

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 14 13:13
Gelonghui, March 14 | The real estate service sector in the A-share market strengthened. I love my family for 3 days, and World Wide Bank, Special Development Services, 365 Networks, Xindu Property, etc. followed suit. According to the news, Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province issued the “Notice on Further Optimizing Regulatory Measures for the Real Estate Market” today. This notice took effect on the date of publication. The “Notice” clearly optimizes the purchase restriction policy for second-hand housing, purchases of second-hand housing within the city, and will no longer review the qualifications of buyers. At the same time, the value-added tax exemption period was clearly optimized, and the value-added tax exemption period for individuals selling housing within the city was uniformly adjusted to 2 years.

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