
大行评级|美银:苹果2月全球应用程序商店收入增长15% 中国收入增长10%

Bank Ratings | Bank of America: Apple's global app store revenue increased 15% in February, China's revenue increased 10%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 12 16:35
Glonghui, March 12 | Bank of America Securities released a report stating that SensorTower data shows that Apple App Store (App Store) revenue increased 8.4% year-on-year to US$5.2 billion on the 66th day from the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, and total downloads (iPhone and iPad) increased 1.2% year-on-year. Apple App Store's global game revenue increased 3% year over year to US$2.8 billion, accounting for only 54% of total App Store revenue, compared to 57% a year ago. In February alone, global App Store revenue increased 15% year over year, and Chinese market revenue increased 10% year over year. The bank maintains a “buy” rating for Apple, with a target price of $225, which it believes will help drive the iPhone cycle under generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), strong service growth, and gross profit expansion.

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