

Aodong, Jilin (000623.SZ): The production and sale of injectable ribonucleic acid II is an immunomodulator

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 12 15:15

Gelonghui March 12 | Jilin Aodong (000623.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that injectable ribonucleic acid II produced and sold by the company is an immunomodulator. It is suitable for adjuvant treatment of pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, soft tissue sarcoma and other cancers, and has a good effect on adjuvant treatment of hepatitis B. This product can also be used for other diseases caused by low immune function. The company's chemicals include chemical injections, general chemical drugs, and chemical raw materials. Currently, the company's chemicals mainly include injectable ribonucleic acid II, injectable Pingyangmycin hydrochloride, artificial betaine metronidazole capsules, injectable lysapirine, and carboxymethane effervescent tablets. The company is based on the pharmaceutical industry, implements a “large variety group, multiple variety group” sales drive policy, and adheres to the path of “pharmaceutical+finance+big health” multi-wheel drive rapid development to achieve the company's high-quality development.

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