
A股异动丨精研科技回调超7% 澄清散热业务业务体量较小

A-share changes丨Jingyan Technology pulls back more than 7% to clarify that the cooling business volume is small

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 12 14:19
Gelonghui March 12 | Jingyan Technology (300709.SZ) fell more than 7%, and its stock price fell below the 40 yuan mark in the intraday period, with a total market value of 7.42 billion yuan. The liquid cooling concept has recently gone viral, and the stock price has more than doubled in the past month. A stock trading change announcement was issued after the market yesterday, indicating that the cooling sector's revenue accounts for a low share of the company's overall revenue. Currently, the business scale of the company's cooling division is at a relatively low level among companies in the same heat dissipation industry.

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