

What are some tips for making money with idle funds?

富途资讯 ·  Oct 2, 2019 17:24

Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards, they will have some savings more or less. For this money, how to maintain and increase its value has become a difficult problem for many people. The reason why the rich are getting richer is that they can find a suitable place to store their savings. And some people with less money will put most of their money directly into their bank cards. In fact, as long as people make full use of the remaining funds, they can continue to earn profits.

Of course, it is very particular about the way of investment, and if you really want to use every penny, you have to combine a variety of ways to maximize the effect. We can simply divide the money we have into two parts-a large amount of idle money and small change, and then look at how to use the money to earn a reasonable income.

Large amount of idle funds-- Bond Fund

The so-called large amount of idle funds is often the part of money that investors do not use in the short term, and because the amount is relatively large, so the scope of investment is also relatively broad. But before investing, there is a saying that can not be forgotten, that is, "eggs can not be put in the same basket", so this part of the money should be allocated separately.

In order to ensure a long-term and stable growth of personal or family wealth, as well as to reduce certain investment risks, most of the money in idle funds is used to allocate relatively stable investment products or financial products. Domestically, the most familiar stable financial product is Yu'e Bao. As long as you put in the change you usually need to spend, you can not only calculate interest, but also be convenient to use.

However, the income of Yu'e Bao has been declining recently, and now we put about 10, 000 liquidity in Yu'e Bao, which is only about 60 cents a day, which is not enough to add an extra egg at lunchtime. More importantly, with the continuous correction of the RMB exchange rate so far this year, there is an increasingly urgent need to allocate overseas assets, so does the Hong Kong dollar have products similar to Yu'e Bao?

Of course, the answer is yes, bond fund is a good choice, although the risk is not as low as Yu'e Bao, but the return is much higher than Yu'e Bao, if combined with the exchange rate, it is a good choice for low-risk investment.

Seeing this, some people may question, didn't it say that "eggs can't be put in the same basket"? Why are they all invested in bonds again? Don't worry, the debt base does not necessarily invest 100% in bonds. For example, the Gao Teng Asian income Bond Fund, the first fund of Tencent and Hillhouse, and the Dacheng China flexible allocation Fund, which has flexible allocation of stocks and bonds, have allocated a certain proportion of stock assets. Compared with their own analysis and allocation of various types of assets, direct investment in such funds is both scientific and convenient.

At present, there are not many ways to buy bond funds, in Futu can buy Gao Teng, Huaxia and other well-known fund companies' bond funds, can be regarded as a good platform.

Small change-- fixed investment in stock funds

After talking about a large amount of idle funds, let's talk about small change, that is, the money that usually needs to be spent, but some of it has not been spent yet, or it may be some monthly balances. For these small funds, it is more appropriate to invest in the way set by the fund.

Although the monthly balance is more or less, but if you fix a minimum amount, such as 1000 yuan, you can continue to use this money for fund investment. Fund investment is a long-term process, as long as stick to it, and set a stop line, you can get a good return.

As the target of the fund, it is suggested that you can choose a stock fund with relatively high risk, because the fixed investment itself is also a means of risk-sharing investment. If you invest in a fixed amount, you will buy more shares at a low price. The high price will naturally buy less share, so as to reduce the average position cost, and sell it to make a profit when the price returns to the middle and high level.

Give me a simple example. Xiaoming began to invest from January to April, with a monthly fixed investment of 600 yuan in a fund. The unit price was 30 yuan in January, rose to 60 yuan in February, fell back to 30 yuan in March, continued to fall to 15 yuan in April, and rose back to 30 yuan in May to sell all the shares.

According to the amount / unit price = share, if you buy 20 shares in January, 10 shares in February, 20 shares in March, 40 shares in April, a total of 90 shares will be bought according to the amount / unit price = share. the average unit price is 2400amp 90,26.7 yuan, sold at 30 yuan in May, and a total of 2700 yuan is obtained, which is 300 yuan more than the total investment of 2400 yuan, with a return of 12.5%.

Although the stock market has returned to the original price after a round of peaks and troughs, investors have made a profit. the core principle is to use the high price to buy a small share, the low price to buy a large share, and to amortize the unit cost after experiencing market fluctuations. and then sell at a medium-to-high price when the market picks up.

Short positions of idle funds-money funds

In addition to the two cases mentioned above, there is another situation in which investors have a sum of idle money in their hands, but the difference is that it does not exist for as long as above.

There is such a saying among the old investors: "short positions before the festival, lifting sedan chairs after the festival; ambush before the festival, eating meat after the festival", no matter whether this truth is right or not, but in the process of stock speculation, it is inevitable that you are not optimistic about the future market and choose the period of time for short positions. If you are a new user, the probability of short positions is even greater in the recent period of time.

So the problem is, when the position is empty, it is not easy to withdraw this idle fund, so should it just lie motionless in the account? Of course not, the idle funds in the stock account are generally relatively large, but there is a need to invest in stocks at any time, so it would be better if the stock trading platform has a similar financial plan.

Futu Securities recently launched a money fund to support immediate redemption transactions on the same day, as well as various preferential activities, which are very suitable for new users, finding a good place for idle funds when there are no new shares to play.

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