
液冷服务器概念低开高走 川润股份6天5板

Liquid-cooled server concept, low opening, high speed, Chuanrun Co., Ltd., 6 days, 5 boards

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 11 10:47
Gelonghui, March 11 | Chuanrun Co., Ltd. rose 8% in 6 days, and Jingyan Technology rose 8%, followed by Imikon, Costa, Feirongda, Kehua Data, and Eurocom. According to the news, recently, Nvidia CEO Hwang In-hoon confirmed that its next DGX AI system will use liquid cooling for heat dissipation, which brings new opportunities to the data center field. The data center and AI server sector has been accelerating the promotion of liquid cooling, and various companies are investing huge sums of money in manufacturing plants for liquid cooling equipment.

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