
A股异动丨智能电网概念拉升 多股涨超10%

A-share changes丨The smart grid concept boosted, and many stocks rose more than 10%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 11 09:54
Gelonghui, March 11 | Beijing Stock Exchange Yineng Electric rose and fell 30CM; Beijing Cree and Sanhui Electric rose or stopped; Guoneng Rixin, Southern Grid Technology, and Zhongzhi Technology rose more than 10%. According to the news, according to the “Guiding Opinions on the High-Quality Development of Distribution Grids under the New Situation” issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration, it is required that by 2025, the carrying capacity and flexibility of distribution networks will be significantly improved, with about 500 million kilowatts of distributed new energy and the ability to connect about 12 million charging stations.”

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