

Cloud Cong Technology (688327.SH): Launched DataGPT is a revolutionary AI-native data analysis product

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 8 16:40

Gelonghui, March 8 | Yuncong Technology (688327.SH) said on the investor interactive platform that DataGPT launched by the company is a revolutionary AI native data analysis product. Through a new interactive model of “dialogue is analysis”, everyone can quickly access data and provide immediate and in-depth data insights and intelligent decision suggestions. DataGPT is based on a calm multi-modal large model independently developed by the company. It can understand and respond to users' data query needs, combine users' specific business scenarios and data, provide efficient and accurate answers, whether complex statistical analysis or everyday data questions, and can also perform in-depth analysis and intelligent insight. Ultimately, DataGPT can identify enterprise risks as an agent, actively warn and provide decision suggestions when necessary. Financial statement generation for financial scenarios. Currently, the product also supports users to obtain data output such as financial statements through simple instructions. The company is exploring ways to further optimize its products to meet more customer needs and expectations in financial scenarios.

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