
A股异动丨存储芯片概念持续走高 同有科技20CM涨停

A-share changes丨The memory chip concept continues to rise and Tongyoutech rises and stops 20CM

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 8 10:22
Gelonghui, March 8 | Tongyou Technology rose and stopped 20CM, while many stocks such as Juchen Co., Ltd., Dongxin, Shannon Xinchuang, and Hengshuo Co., Ltd. rose more than 5%. According to news, the NAND Flash industry's revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 reached US$11.49 billion, an increase of 24.5% over the previous quarter. In the first quarter of this year, with supply chain inventory levels improving drastically and prices still rising, customers continued to increase purchase orders to avoid the risk of supply shortages and rising costs. It is estimated that the NAND Flash industry's revenue will still increase 20% quarterly.

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