
大行评级|高盛:重申新东方目标价90港元及“买入”评级 估值吸引

Bank Ratings | Goldman Sachs: Reiterates New Oriental's Target Price of HK$90 and “Buy” Rating Valuation Attraction

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 7 15:59
Glonghui, March 7 | Goldman Sachs released a report stating that it is benefiting from China's clear trend in education regulations, speeding up the expansion of the New Oriental offline classroom center. It believes that New Oriental's valuation is attractive, and the target price is HK$90, based on yesterday's closing price of HK$73.35 and an upward space of 19.4%, giving it a “buy” rating. According to the Goldman Sachs report, New Oriental Education and Technology currently has 900 education centers, reflecting the Group's expansion in a more aggressive industry compared to its peers. Goldman Sachs believes that New Oriental has diversified businesses. Apart from education itself, it has its own brand products, e-commerce, and travel, all of which are profitable. Considering 30 years of accumulated brand education reputation, it is optimistic about education initiative businesses (such as stem education). It is expected that the share of revenue from 17% in fiscal year 2023 to 2026 will increase to 28%. It is expected that profit per share of 48% will grow at a compound annual rate of 48% from 2023 to 2026.

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