

Chuling Information (300250.SZ): Using advanced AI+ data to create a SaaS platform for video content production to provide a full-link service of AI intelligent digital human SaaS services for live streaming and short video content production

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 7 15:46

Gelonghui, March 7 | Chuling Information (300250.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that Hangzhou Tianzhuo Network is our shareholding company and is the leading domestic 5G mobile Internet information technology service provider for AI IoT products, industry solutions and accurate big data services with smart inductive sensing technology as the core; AI digital intelligent digital human content/live streaming SaaS one-stop solution service provider. The company uses advanced AI+ data to create a SaaS platform for video content production, providing a full range of AI digital human SaaS services for live streaming and short video content production Link service; it launched a thousand lines of digital human products, combined with advanced artificial intelligence technology to reduce costs and increase efficiency in content production. It allows digital people to explain products and interact with audiences, and help enterprises and merchants go overseas and other businesses.

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