

Chuling Information (300250.SZ): Currently, the company has FTTR products, and plans to integrate WiFi7 technology to gradually evolve to FTTM

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 7 15:33

Gelonghui, March 7 | Chuling Information (300250.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that the company's technical and business plans for next-generation communication technology are mainly four aspects: 1. Expanding the coverage area of ground-based networks, F6G needs to focus on developing FTTR or FTTM technology. Currently, the company has FTTR products, and the plan will be gradually evolved into FTTM by incorporating WiFi7 technology. 2. Next-generation PON network technology. The future will usher in the 50G PON era of access networks. The company will develop related technology and introduce it to government and enterprise gateways. 3. Inclusive intelligent service. Inclusive intelligent service is a new typical scenario of 6G. It relies on the network to provide integrated communication and A1 computing power for intelligent services requiring efficient distributed intelligent learning or reasoning. The company is developing a smart classroom quality insight system to apply the distributed computing power of government and enterprise gateways to campus scenarios. 4. Networked intelligent sensing. The intelligent sensing technology being developed by the company can collect network performance data in real time, detect abnormalities and provide early warning, thereby reducing network interruption time and improving service reliability.

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