
港股异动 | 鹰君(00041)涨超4% 去年扭亏为盈 拟派末期息每股0.5港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Yingjun (00041) rose more than 4% last year and turned a loss into profit and proposed a final interest rate of HK$0.5 per share

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 7 11:27

Yingjun (00041) rose more than 4%. As of press release, it had risen 3.85% to HK$11.34, with a turnover of HK$2,484,300.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Yingjun (00041) rose by more than 4%. As of press release, it had risen 3.85% to HK$11.34, with a turnover of HK$2,484,300.

According to the news, Yingjun announced its 2023 results, with core business revenue of approximately HK$7.522 billion, up 15.1% year on year; total revenue of approximately HK$10.644 billion, up 19.8% year on year; profit attributable to equity holders of HK$763.5 million and loss of approximately HK$181 million in 2022; and final dividend of HK$0.5 per share.

Among them, core business operating revenue increased by 23.3% to HK$3.161 billion, mainly due to improvements in the Group's hotel portfolio performance after the resumption of unlimited travel around the world, achieving an EBITDA of HK$1,098 billion, an increase of 78.3% over last year. On the other hand, despite the adverse factors facing the market, sales of the “Langtao” residential project continued to advance steadily and achieved sales revenue of HK$798 million during the reporting period.

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