
A股异动丨获机构唱好 光弘科技连涨4日走出反弹行情

A-share changes丨Received praise from institutions, Guanghong Technology continued to rise for 4 days and emerged from the rebound

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 5 10:53
Gelonghui March 5 | Guanghong Technology (300735.SZ) continued to rise by more than 6%, rising more than 40% for 4 consecutive days to break out of the rebound market. It is now reported at 2,488 yuan, with a total market value of 19.1 billion yuan. The company received a purchase rating from Guoxin Securities and formulated a “Double Improvement of Quality and Return” action plan to enhance the company's core competitiveness and investment value. At the same time, the company's mobile phone business benefited from the recovery of the Android industry chain, rapid expansion of the automotive business, and accelerated introduction of new customers and new projects.

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