
英诺特(688253.SH):今年营销重点产品仍为层析产品 九联产品以稳定增长为主

Innote (688253.SH): Key marketing products this year are still chromatographic products, and Jiulian products are dominated by steady growth

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 5 07:50

Gelonghui March 5 | Innote (688253.SH) disclosed an investor relations activity record table showing that this year's key marketing products are still chromatographic products, and Jiulian products are mainly growing steadily. Molecular products are expected to be launched soon. The products are positioned as routine testing items in hospitalization scenarios, and no separate equipment is required. As molecular platform technology matures, molecular POCT products are also the company's long-term plans.

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