
A股异动丨液冷服务器概念股快速拉升 中石科技涨超10%

A-share changes丨Liquid-cooled server concept stocks quickly boosted, and Sinopec rose more than 10%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Mar 1 09:43
Gelonghui March 1 | Sinopec Technology and Science Innovation Source rose more than 10%, while Gaolan Co., Ltd., Huaqin Technology, Shuguang Digital Innovation, Jingyan Technology, Feirongda, and Jialitu rose more than 5%. According to the news, IDC estimates that by 2027, China's liquid-cooled server market will reach 8.9 billion US dollars. At the same time, data shows that cold plate liquid cooling has become the mainstream of liquid cooled data centers, accounting for 90% of the liquid cooled server market in China.

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