
大行评级|瑞银:相信住宅楼市是预算案最大受惠者 对酒店及港铁轻微负面

Big Bank Ratings | UBS: I believe the residential property market is the biggest beneficiary of the budget, and the hotel and MTR are slightly negative

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 29 13:13
Glonghui, Feb. 29 | UBS released a report saying that the budget announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government brought some positive surprises to the market. The removal of the budget helped reduce the liquidity pressure on high-debt real estate agents. In addition, they also felt positive about some of the budget's measures to deal with financial deficits. It is believed that the residential property market is the biggest beneficiary of the budget, but it has a slight negative impact on hotels and MTR. The bank currently predicts that residential property prices will remain flat to fall 5% this year. The previous forecast was a 5% to 10% drop. In terms of shares, MTR replaced SHKP and became the least preferred stock. The budget effectively neutralized the bank's position on reducing holdings in the residential sector, and continued to prefer defensive, high-return and travel-related shares. According to the bank, the government's measures to deal with the financial deficit, such as not issuing consumer vouchers and reviewing the HK$2 ride discount for the elderly, may affect the motivation of the elderly to travel and have a slight negative impact on the MTR.

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