

Big Bank Rating | Citibank: NetEase's “Eternity” mobile game approved version number can be seen as the biggest catalyst

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 28 10:30

The State Press and Publication Administration announced yesterday (27th) that a total of 111 domestic online games were approved in February, including NetEase's “Operation Apocalypse” and “Eternity” mobile games. According to a research report published by Citi, the number of game titles approved this time has exceeded 100 for the third month in a row, indicating that the authorities are working to promote the healthy development of the online game industry, which is in line with this forecast, and maintains the forecast that about 1,200 to 1,400 domestic games will be approved throughout this year. According to Citi, the approved games include 101 mobile games, 5 cross-platform games, and 5 PC games. Among them, the mobile game version of “Eternity” received the most attention, and is believed to be the biggest catalyst.

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