
大行评级|大摩:预期网易股价在60日内上升 目标价150美元

Big Bank Ratings | Damo: NetEase's stock price is expected to rise to a target price of $150 within 60 days

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 28 10:27
Glonghui, Feb. 28 | Morgan Stanley published a report saying that NetEase's stock price is expected to rise within 60 days, with 70% to 80% chance of occurring, mainly due to an increase in predictions and guidelines. It is estimated that the market's earnings per share revaluation cycle will be driven by this year's new product lines, including “Legend of Heroes Shooter” launched on March 28 and the “Neverlasting Naraka: Bladepoint” mobile game launched in the second season. Under the competition of Tencent's “Dream Star”, “Egg Boy Party” still has defensive capabilities, with more than 40 million daily active users during the Lunar New Year holidays. The bank estimates that the profit for the fourth quarter of last year announced by NetEase on the 29th of this month exceeded expectations, and Blizzard games will return in the short term. Based on the projected price-earnings ratio of 13 times this year, the valuation is attractive. The rating is “increase in holdings,” and the target price for US stocks is 150 US dollars.

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