

Jialian Technology (301193.SZ): Focus on countries and regions with high overall consumption levels and high potential for future development, such as North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 27 17:53

Gelonghui, Feb. 27丨Jialian Technology (301193.SZ) recently received a survey of specific targets to discuss “Will overseas sales regions expand in 2024?” The company replied that the company is actively expanding overseas markets by participating in international exhibitions, disseminating word of mouth in the industry, and developing new sales channels. The company focuses on countries and regions with high overall consumption levels and great potential for future development, such as North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. In addition, the company will also make dynamic adjustments and optimize regional layout strategies based on factors such as the recovery of regional consumption power and policy optimization.

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