

Beishui added CNOOC's inventory for nearly HK$600 million and sold over HK$800 million for Tencent; Nanshui bought BYD for nearly 600 million yuan

Futu News ·  Feb 27 17:46

On February 27 (Tuesday), Southbound made a net purchase of HK$1,329 billion in Hong Kong stocks today.

$CNOOC (00883.HK)$,$SMIC (00981.HK)$,$SAMSONITE (01910.HK)$Received net purchases of HK$566 million, HK$340 million and HK$201 million respectively;

$TENCENT (00700.HK)$,$MEITUAN-W (03690.HK)$,$CCB (00939.HK)$Net sales were HK$841 million, HK$488 million, and HK$81.37 million respectively.

Today, Beijing Capital made a net purchase of 12.248 billion yuan.

$BYD Company Limited (002594.SZ)$,$Gree Electric Appliances,Inc.of Zhuhai (000651.SZ)$,$Zhongji Innolight (300308.SZ)$Received net purchases of $565 million, $250 million and $231 million respectively;

$Daqin Railway (601006.SH)$,$Luxshare Precision Industry (002475.SZ)$,$East Money Information (300059.SZ)$It received net sales of $188 million, $147 million, and $52.54 million respectively.


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