
猪肉、鸡肉股震荡走高 晓鸣股份涨超17%

Pork and chicken stocks fluctuated, and Gao Xiaoming's shares rose more than 17%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 27 09:50
Gelonghui, Feb. 27 | Xiaoming shares rose more than 17%, Aonong Biotech was close to a standstill. Minhe shares, Tianbang Foods, and Xinwufeng rose more than 5%, while Huatong shares, Tang Renshen, Tiankang Biotech, and Muyuan shares followed suit. According to a recent research report by Open Source Securities, the slaughter of pigs has not changed, and the white chicken boom is rising, and the low level of pork and chicken is at the right time.

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