
美股异动 | 遭汇丰银行下调评级 Moderna(MRNA.US)跌超4%

Changes in US stocks | Moderna (MRNA.US) fell more than 4% after being downgraded by HSBC

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 26 23:47

At press time, the stock was down more than 4% to $92.44

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on Monday, Moderna (MRNA.US) stock price fell. As of press release, the stock had fallen more than 4% to 92.44 US dollars. Previously, HSBC downgraded Moderna's rating from “holding” to “reducing holdings” and was cautious about the overall market potential of Moderna's mRNA vaccine. The company's maximum sales are expected to be US$1.7 billion, which is at the lower end of the agreed expected range of US$1.5 billion to US$2.4 billion.

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