

Danghong Technology (688039.SH): The company's “Panwei” series products are deeply integrated with Huawei's “Taishan” series Kunpeng high-performance processors

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 26 19:27

Gelonghui, Feb. 26丨Danghong Technology (688039.SH) said on the investor interactive platform that the company is deeply involved in the localization process of UHD software and hardware equipment. As the first batch of members of the “Localization Strategic Alliance”, the company's “Panwei” series products are deeply integrated with the Huawei “Taishan” series of Kunpeng high-performance processors to fully localize the encoder from the hardware platform, CPU, operating system, database to application software. The company's localized products are compatible with the Hongmeng system.

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