
深交所:中威电子最近6个交易日累涨114% 自然人买入占比67.37%

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Zhongwei Electronics has accumulated a cumulative increase of 114% in the last 6 trading days, and natural person purchases account for 67.37%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 26 16:32
Gelonghui, Feb. 26 | Shenzhen Stock Exchange revealed that Zhongwei Electronics had a cumulative increase of 114.2% from February 19 to February 26. During the period of severe anomalies, it received 387 million yuan in purchases from natural persons, accounting for 67.37%; of these, small and medium-sized investors bought 216 million yuan. Institutional investors bought 187 million yuan, accounting for 32.63%.

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