
信义储电(08328)发盈喜 预期2023年纯利同比增加60%至85%

Xinyi Electric Storage (08328) Fa Yingxi expects net profit to increase 60% to 85% year-on-year in 2023

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 23 19:26

Xinyi Power Storage (08328) announced that it is expected that in 2023, the amount of comprehensive profit attributable to company owners will increase by 60% to...

Zhitong Finance App News, Xinyi Power Storage (08328) announced that it is expected that in 2023, the comprehensive profit amount attributable to company owners will increase by 60% to 85%, to HK$73.4 million to HK$84.9 million, compared to HK$45.9 million in 2022. The increase was mainly due to an increase in the Group's gross profit due to an increase in revenue; and recognition of government subsidies based on the Group's operating costs, but was partially offset by an increase in financial costs due to increased bank loans due to the expansion of the Group's business.

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