

Xiaoming Co., Ltd. (300967.SZ): General manager changed to Sun Yingchun

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 23 16:46

Gelonghui, Feb. 23 | Xiaoming Co., Ltd. (300967.SZ) announced that the board of directors of the company received a written resignation report from Mr. Wei Xiaoming, the company's general manager, on February 23, 2024. Due to job adjustments, Mr. Wei Xiaoming applied to resign as general manager of the company.

In order to maintain the normal operation of the company's management, the company held the fourth meeting of the 5th board of directors on February 23, 2024 to review and pass the “Proposal on the Appointment of the Company's General Manager”. Nominated by the chairman of the company, the nomination committee of the board of directors of the company issued an opinion on the qualification review, and the independent directors of the company issued an agreed independent opinion. The resolution decided to appoint Mr. Sun Yingchun as the general manager of Ningxia Xiaoming Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., for a term of office from the date of approval of the current board of directors until the end of the term of the 5th board of directors.

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