
公告精选 | 中国中药获私有化要约溢价超三成;携程Q4净营收同比升105%至103亿元

Selected announcements | Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine received a privatization offer premium of more than 30%; Ctrip's Q4 net revenue increased 105% year-on-year to 10.3 billion yuan

Futu News ·  Feb 22 08:03

A selection of major announcements

1. Chinese traditional Chinese medicine: privatized with a premium of about 34.11% from Sinopharm Group Gongyu and resumed trading on the 22nd

$TRAD CHI MED (00570.HK)$An announcement was issued on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Sinopharm Group proposed privatizing Chinese medicines at a cash price of HK$4.6 per share through planned arrangements. Sinopharm's price is a 34.11% premium over the latest closing price of Chinese medicines. The total cost of Sinopharm's privatization proposal is about HK$15.45 billion. China Traditional Chinese Medicine will resume stock trading on February 22.

2. Ctrip Group-S: Net revenue for the fourth quarter was 10.3 billion yuan, up 105% year on year

$TRIP.COM-S (09961.HK)$It was announced that in the fourth quarter of 2023, the company achieved net operating income of RMB 10.338 billion, up 105.48% year on year and down 24.82% month on month; net profit attributable to the group was RMB 1,297 billion, down 36.95% year on year.

3. China People's Insurance Group: The original premium income in January reached 106.030 billion yuan

$PICC GROUP (01339.HK)$According to the announcement, the original premium income received in January through People's Insurance Financial Insurance, People's Insurance Life Insurance and Human Health Insurance was $62,828 billion, $32.04 billion and $11.198 billion respectively, up 2.7%, down 18.5% and 4.5% year-on-year respectively.

4. China Financial Insurance: The original insurance premium income in January was about 62,828 billion yuan, an increase of 2.7% over the previous year

$PICC P&C (02328.HK)$According to the announcement, the company's original insurance premium income from January 1, 2024 to January 31, 2024 reached RMB 62,828 billion, an increase of 2.7% over the previous year.

Earnings Report

$HUAFA PPT SER (00982.HK)$Yingxi: Profit attributable to company owners is expected to increase by no less than 20% year-on-year

$TRIP.COM-S (09961.HK)$: Net revenue for the fourth quarter was 10.3 billion yuan, up 105% year on year

Operational data

$PICC GROUP (01339.HK)$The original premium income reached 106.030 billion yuan in January

$PICC P&C (02328.HK)$: Premium income reached 62,828 billion yuan in January, up 2.7% year-on-year

$KWG GROUP (01813.HK)$: January pre-sale amount was 830 million yuan

$RONSHINECHINA (03301.HK)$Total contract sales in January were approximately RMB 448 million

Important matters for the company

$TRAD CHI MED (00570.HK)$Received a 34.11% privatization premium from Sinopharm Group Gongyu and resumed trading on the 22nd

Issuance of additional shares

$LINGBAO GOLD (03330.HK)$Proposed sale of 32.54 million shares at a discount of approximately 19.76% to raise HK$42 million

Repurchase cancellation

$AIA (01299.HK)$On February 21, 1,112,200 shares were purchased at HK$71.94 million

$YUM CHINA (09987.HK)$On February 20, 99,400 shares were purchased at HK$3.088 million

$SWIRE PACIFIC A (00019.HK)$On February 21, 223,000 shares were repurchased at HK$14.26 million

$COSCO SHIP HOLD (01919.HK)$On February 21, 1.35 million shares were repurchased at HK$11.526 million

$FRONTAGE (01521.HK)$On February 21, 3.8 million shares were repurchased at HK$6.947 million

$ONEWO (02602.HK)$On February 21, 200,000 shares were repurchased at HK$3.726 million

$MEGA GENOMICS (06667.HK)$On February 21, 231,000 shares were repurchased at HK$2.45 million

$BEAUTYFARM MED (02373.HK)$610,000 shares cancelled on February 21


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