
大行评级|花旗:予苹果目标价225美元及“买入”评级 或最早于今年向第三方软件商提供生成式AI工具

Big Bank Rating | Citibank: Give Apple a target price of 225 US dollars and a “buy” rating or provide generative AI tools to third-party software vendors as early as this year

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 19 17:21
Glonghui, Feb. 19 | Citi published a research report saying that Apple is reportedly preparing to provide generative AI tools to third party software vendors as early as this year. Currently, the group is undergoing internal testing, and the Group may be able to compete with the AI software industry through these tools. Additionally, the group has established an AI infrastructure called Ajax and developed an Apple GPT chatbot. Although the group has yet to publicly discuss this, the bank believes it has made significant progress over the past few months. The bank said that Apple published Ferret, a multi-modal large-scale language model. According to the researchers, Ferret can inspect the area drawn on the image and draw border boxes around the detected elements. In multimodal chat based on regional and localization requirements, the model may be more effective than existing multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), including GPT-4. The bank gave Apple a target price of $225, with a “buy” rating.

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