

Yuncong Technology (688327.SH): DateGpt software platform that provides intelligent interaction

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 19 17:09

Gelonghui, Feb. 19: Yuncong Technology (688327.SH) said on the investor interactive platform that judging from current development trends, AI models have broad scope for imagination in industry and vertical applications, and carry great potential to reshape industry rules and drive industrial upgrading. Currently, the company's focus is mainly in the financial, transportation, energy, and manufacturing industries. The product system activated through the big model includes: 1. More rich software products, including: multi-modal large model base, DateGPT software platform that provides intelligent interaction; industry applications (Smart BI, intelligent customer service, intelligent operation and maintenance, online training, etc.); 2. Hardware and software products jointly built with ecological partners, including training and promotion of all-in-one machines, inference machines, edge boxes, etc., to open up computational power+the ability to use algorithms right out of the box. Yuncong Technology has always insisted on building a human-computer collaborative operating system. It is the basic platform for future AI agent implementation and development. Currently, in the field of advertising and entertainment, if it can make full use of the accurate recommendation and content generation capabilities of AI models, it will help achieve a more intelligent and attractive user experience. Although this part of the business has not yet been converted into significant revenue, its layout in the market and user feedback have initially shown a positive trend.

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