

Easy Life Holdings (00223) issued a net share offering of approximately HK$19.38 million

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 9 14:10

Easy Life Holdings (00223) announced that at 4:00 p.m. on February 5, 2024, a total of 11 documents involved about 46...

According to the Zhitong Finance App, EasyLife Holdings (00223) announced that at 4:00 p.m. on February 5, 2024, a total of 11 valid applications involving approximately 46.323 million shares were accepted and applied for, accounting for about 21.37% of the maximum number of about 217 million shares offered for sale under the share offering.

According to the above results, about 170 million shares of the offering have not yet been subscribed, accounting for about 78.63% of the highest number of shares offered for sale under the share offering.

Since all of the prerequisites contained in the underwriting agreement have been fulfilled, and the joint underwriter did not terminate the underwriting agreement at or before 4:30 p.m. on February 6, 2024 (Tuesday), the underwriting agreement has become unconditional.

According to the underwriting agreement, the stock offering was only underwritten on a wholehearted basis. Joint underwriters have no obligation and may not subscribe or procure the subscription of any shares offered that have not been subscribed by eligible shareholders.

Since approximately 170 million shares of the offering have not yet been subscribed, and the shares offered are not subscribed by the joint underwriter or the subscribers prompted by them, these shares will not be issued, so the size of the share offering will be reduced accordingly.

The net proceeds from the stock offering are estimated to be approximately HK$19.38 million.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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